Saturday, February 3, 2007

The Life of MLK (source # 2)

This source that I’ve found through the internet will be very useful to me during the course of writing my research paper. As you navigate through the website there are a variety of this to look at and go through. There is a brief biography of his life and his works. The biography skips through his life pretty fast, so I need to gather information to fill all the gaps that were left out, but it at least gives me somewhere to start. There is also a section that has parts of his speeches that I can use to put on blog spot to make the site a little bit more interesting. There is a timeline to better view his life and to get important dates and events from. There are photos I can also use to make the blog spot more appealing.

After going through this website i found out that there is a lot of information that i do not know about MLK. For example he wasn’t’ born with the name Martin, instead it was Michael. It was changed to Martin when he was six years old. However, the biography does not say why his name was changed, so that is an example of the kind of information I would be looking for in another source, in order to complete his background in my paper.

"The Life of Martin Luther King Jr." The Seattle Tmes. 01 Feb. 2007 .


Sarah said...

A biography would be a great way for you to organize your information. I think even if you don't get a lot of facts from specific events, it will atleast help with the chronological order. His name change is interesting. It's good to include fun trivia like that so the readers dont get bored.

mander said...

I think gathering more information on his life is a good thing. Having his speeches can help you figure out what he was thinking and what he believed. Photos can even help you in your paper to describe that is going on. I find that it is very interesting that his name was Michael when he was born. This source sonds good to use in your paper.