Tuesday, February 6, 2007

So Far...

Besides trying to keep track of how many blogs are due at this point in the semester, everything is going pretty well. As one could assume, there is plenty of information out there about Martin Luther King Jr., so I'm not having trouble finding any sources. I am, however, somewhat struggling on how to sift through these sources to find qualifying information for my paper. I think that once I make an outline of how I want my eight + pages to look, I'll be able to find the key information that I need.

I also think that right now I just have a jumble off things for this paper all scattered around, whether it be on my desk or in cyber space. Once I get organized and can really see my paper coming together I wont stress so much over it.

I know that there is plenty of information all over the place about Martin Luther King, but im worried that my paper is going to turn into a biography instead of just about the points I want to cover. Those points include his social, moral, and political philosophies. I know I can get away from MLK by talking about where he gets his ideals from which is his strong Christian background. I may be able to discuss that topic and get a few pages out of that and a few pages out of Gandhi which is where he got his operational ideas from. Im just hoping I can make this paper turn out the way I planned for.


Sarah said...

I can imagine that it would be difficult to sift through all of that information in order to find something that is worthwhile for your paper. Although, it is probably better to have more information than not enough. Sounds like you're off to a good start though. I'll be interested to see how you're paper turns out, and what angles you decide to take.

mander said...

Having a lot of information out there to put in your paper can be a problem because you may not get all of the information that is good. An outline is always something good to have that way the reader can know what to expect. I think you will be able to find enough information on all of the topics that you want to cover in your paper.