Saturday, February 3, 2007

Martin Luther King Jr.

I’ve recently decided to switch my subject from discrimination to Martin Luther King Jr., in order to be able to organize my research in an easier fashion. I felt that discrimination was too broad of a subject, and I couldn’t think of the right topic to go with it. My topic is now the social, moral, and political philosophies of Martin Luther King Jr.
Obviously the main figure in of my paper will be Martin Luther King Jr., so I’ve decided to begin my research with learning about his background.
MLK was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. MLK’s father, Martin Luther King Sr. was the pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church, and his mother Alberta King was a teacher. Many might not know that MLK was born Michael Luther King and didn’t have his named changed to Martin until he was six years old.
MLK never planned on following in his father’s footsteps in becoming a pastor, and he enrolled in to Morehouse College in 1944. While attending, he met a man by the name of Dr. Benjamin Mays who eventually showed King that becoming a pastor was the right thing for him to do. He then attended Crozer Theological Seminary in Chester, Pennsylvania after receiving a BA at Morehouse. At Crozer he won the Plafker Award for being the most outstanding student of his class, and along with that he won the J. Lewis Crozer Fellowship. King finished his doctorate in 1955 after he completed his dissertation.

He then moved to Montgomery, Alabama and became the pastor of Dexter Avenue Baptist Church. That was when he began to pave the way into the civil rights movement. He mobilized the black community during a 382-day boycott of the city's bus lines. He overcame arrest, violent harassment (the thing he was trying so hard to stop), and even the bombing of his house. His work paid off however, when the US supreme court decided that the segregation of public buses was unconstitutional.

"The Life of Martin Luther King Jr." The Seattle Tmes. 01 Feb. 2007 .


mander said...

I think it was a good choice to change your supbjet. I think it will be very easy to find information about Martin Luther King Jr. I think it is a good idea to look into his background. I think it is very interesting that he didn't plan on becoming a pastor. I don't think a lot of people realize that or at least I didn't. I think that knowing that bit of information says a lot about him already.

Sarah said...

It's a really good idea to change your topic. I think you'll find it a lot easier to organize your paper and you'll be able to concentrate on certain areas of his life. It looks like you have a good start.

Shelly said...

I think that you will be much more successful with your new topic. I'm sure you will find a lot of information about Martin Luther King Jr. You hit a lot of high points in this blog already. Maybe it would be easier to write more detailed next time so it will be easier to complete the eight page assignment.

onewingedangel said...

Martin Luther King Jr. is certainly a great person to research! He accomplished so much in his life that you should have no problem writing a great paper. Also, I really like the pictures you have chosen. They are really nice and add a touch of emotion to your blog.