Monday, March 5, 2007


My research paper is most likely going to be an expository research paper. I say this because I will be putting forth specific information, as opposed to bringing up an argument, or trying to persuade the reader to believe what I am writing about. There really is no right or wrong idea about my paper, because it is simply straight up facts about the social, moral, and political philosophies of Martin Luther King Jr.

One might take the information about Dr. King’s beliefs as being right or wrong, but the facts that I will be presenting come straight from our country’s history, and for the most part can not be challenged. If i were to be writing a persuasive research paper, I might try to get the reader to believe in what Martin Luther King Jr. believed in. I may argue that segregation and discrimination are wrong, and should not have gone on as long as they did without a law against them.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I think it is wise to stick with an expository paper. If you tried to be persuasive about some of the issues you may dig yourself into a hole. I think you'll find it easier to simply just state the facts.