Monday, March 19, 2007

Is the evidence there?

When talking about Martin Luther King Jr., I think many would agree that there is definately no lack of information out there. He was one of the most influencial people in the history of the United States. Not only is Dr. King famous as a person, but the issues he addressed were also such a large part of our history, that it wont be soon forgetten.

The Civil Rights Movement was huge. It effected everyone in the nation, where they were for or against the rights of American Americans. Once the laws were passed and Dr. King's dream came true, our nation was never the same. There was no more legal segregation, and people were legally created equal.

Today there is still a lot of racism problems out there, and I think the best way to get past it all, would be to learn from our history, and not make the same mistakes over and over again. There are books, movies, websites, journals, speeches, parades, strikes, and many other things that show the part of our history that we need to always remember, otherwise, our country could become divided once again.

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