Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Commonly Misused Words Quiz

There once was a girl named Weslee who accepted the fact that she had a boy’s name, except when others teased her for it. She didn’t think it was fair and their comments were sometimes too mean and they affected her self esteem. The weather was nice out one day during a track meet, so she decided to enter a sprinting contest as a boy, and it was a sight to see. She thought there was no way she could lose whether she was a girl or not, unless her shoe lace was loose which actually happened two days before. While she was waiting stationary for the race to start, she thought she might alter her strategy. It’s not right that a girl had to race with boys in order to prove herself. But she had to do something; it was the principle of the matter. Instead of racing, she decided to write to her principal on her new stationery, and effectively fix her problem. The letter went a little something like this:

Dear Principal Fasko,
You’re very good school administrator, but I believe that your job is also to keep bullying out of the school system. It seems these days woman are meant for only one thing, and it’s to go to the altar and get married, then become a housewife. It’s a sort of rite of passage. But I don’t want to be that kind of girl. I am okay with having a boy’s name, and I want to be able to do everything that a boy can do. I hope that this letter will affect the thoughts of other girls as well. Please stop the bullying in our school, because they’re hurting people’s feelings. It could leave people with lasting effects later in life.

Sincerely, Weslee
Who’s to say this letter wouldn’t help? She needed to go directly to the site of the problem, and that is what she did. She wanted to help someone else whose life was like hers, and one day, maybe be cited for her work, even if she had to trek across the country to get it. But then again, that might cost her a large bus fare.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're story was really adorable. I thought it was great that Weslee was actually a girl. You did a good job on using all of the words and I enjoyed your story!