Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Discrimination Source #1

I found this source to be helpful. It gives a lot of statistics and background information to help understand certain ideas about discrimination. It also names ways people discriminate other than then just racially. It surveyed people of different races on how they are treated by others, and measures their experiences in ways that are helpful in research.

Despite the end of legally-imposed segregation and the expansion of opportunities for African Americans, recent qualitative studies document the persistence of discrimination in a broad range of social settings for blacks. Other research indicates that Hispanics and Asian Americans also experience discrimination.

Nine items captured the frequency of the following experiences in day-to-day life:
1. being treated with less courtesy than others
2. less respect than others
3. receiving poorer service than others in restaurants or stores
4. people acting as if you are not smart
5. they are better than you
6. they are afraid of you
7. they think you are dishonest
8. being called names or insulted
9. being threatened or harassed.

"Discrimination." 25 Jan. 2007


mander said...

What source do you find helpful? What is your topic? I think you need to state what your topic is and have the summerized source with this blog. It would help others see what you see. Then we can tell you weather or not we like the source and what we think about it.

Anonymous said...

I am glad that you found a source that helped you out on your topic.

Sarah said...

It sounds like this would be a very helpful source that contains a lot of useful information. I hope it will help you narrow your topic and find out exactly what you want your paper to be on.

Unknown said...

This entry is about half the required length. That's 50% for a grade, if I were giving letter grades now.

You haven't given any specific information about the source, not even the title. Review pages 55-60 in your textbook and model your entry on those.